Best hard disk recovery software for free hard disk recovery

Disk recovery tool

Along with the development of this information-based society, we always store all information data into disks. The application of disks brings the possibility of large storage capacity, but, at the same time, it also takes great risks. Facing the data loss potentiality, we have to take good disk protection measures from every aspect. Even if data loss happens, we ought to go to any lengths to recover disk data. Generally, we can perform disk recovery as long as we have a good disk recovery tool. However, using disk recovery tools also takes huge risks. Therefore, we should be aware of reasons for disk data loss and then use a suitable disk recovery tool to recover disk data reasonably. Then what is disk data loss attributed to?

Common faults leading to disk data loss
In general, disk data loss is attributed to two aspects: physical faults and logical failures.
Physical faults:
Physical faults involve hardware damage in disks, which leads to disk failing to run normally, store data or be recognized. The detailed reasons are following.
1. Circuit failure, disk circuit board burning up or control chip on disk circuit board being damaged makes that disk can not work normally and data can not be read.
2. Firmware damage: Firmware is hardware programs in charge of normal operating of a disk. If it is damaged, the disk can not continue to operate.
3. Head and electrical machine failures: This kind of fault also results in data read failure, namely data loss occurring.
4. Platter damage: Platter is the carrier of data and data loss will take place if it is damaged.

Logical faults:
Logical faults are related to file system. Disk data read and write are realized via file system. If disk file system fails, we can not find disk data and data loss comes up. Common logical faults are following:
1. Partition Table being lost: We can not read and write data in if Partition Table is lost.
2. Boot Sector failure: Boot Sector defines the most important parameters of disk partitions, so we can not operate on disk data once it fails.
3. File Index or other metadata being damaged: data are distributed on disks according to a certain structure. If this type of structure is destroyed, file integrity is damaged and data will be lost.
4. Deletion and formatting: These are artificial reasons for disk data loss.

Methods for disk recovery
If disk data loss is caused by physical faults, we have to resort to professional data recovery companies and special disk recovery tools will be used to recover disk data; but if data loss is caused by logical faults, there is no necessary to resort to professionals. We can visit to download a suitable disk recovery tool to recover disk data easily.

The above is a disk recovery tool downloaded from the web. The tool is divided into different data recovery modules and we can employ different data recovery modules in light of different data loss situations resulting from logical faults, to recover disk data with ease. This disk recovery tool is able to solve almost all data loss problems caused by logical faults including deletion, formatting, partition being lost, partition being damaged, viruses, etc. if you are still being annoyed by disk data loss, this disk recovery tool will be your best assistant.