Best hard disk recovery software for free hard disk recovery

Recovery from hard disk

Most Server administrators are believed to have encountered Server hard drive data loss. Since Server hard drive always keeps lots of important data, once the Server hard drive data loss emerges, users will suffer unexpected losses. To avoid such kind of losses, users undoubtedly need to complete data recovery from hard drive.

How to complete data recovery from hard drive?
To timely and effectively recover lost important from hard drive, users should firstly know the factor causing hard drive data loss, and then choose the best data recovery solution according to the real situation to complete data recovery from hard drive. Currently, two kinds of factors will cause important hard drive data to get lost – physical damage and logical bug.
Physical damage: It mainly includes physical faults such as circuit fault, magnetic head damage, motor fault and disc damage/degaussing/breakage.
Solution: It is very unlucky to encounter data loss resulting from hard drive physical damage. Common users can hardly recover lost data under such kind of situation, so you'd better resort to experienced data recovery professionals.
Logical damage: It mainly means the hard drive logical structure such as MBR (Main Boot Record), DBR (Dos Boot Record), FAT (File Allocation Table) and DIR (Directory) is damaged.
Solution: Compared with data loss caused by hard drive logical damage, data loss caused by hard drive logical damage is not difficult to solve. To recover important data lost for logical damage, users just need to employ a piece of powerful hard disk recovery software.

The factors which caused hard disk logical damage
The hard drive logical damage is main factor which causes hard drive data loss at present. Here are some common factors.
  • Accidentally delete important data from hard drive.
  • Accidentally format hard drive partition with important data.
  • Accidentally delete the hard drive partition with important data.
  • Virus attacks.
  • Operating system crash or application crash.

How to complete recovery from hard drive when important data gets lost for logical damage
To complete data recovery from hard drive, users should firstly download hard disk recovery software via, and then start it to see the interface below.

On this interface, users can see multiple related independent data recovery functional modules. As these functional modules are designed for common data loss situations, they can easily meet almost all common data recovery requirements. Therefore, when users accidentally encounter important data loss caused by hard drive logical damage, to easily complete recovery from hard drive, just choose corresponding data recovery functional module of the hard disk recovery software.

Does your important hard drive data gets lost for logical damage? Don't worry, complete data recovery from hard drive with the recommended hard disk recovery software.
