With the failure of Windows Vista, Microsoft had to develop an excellent operating system to replace the unsatisfying Windows Vista. That's why Windows 7 emerged. Windows 7 has made a lot of optimization to the whole operating system on the basis of Windows Vista, adopts the optimized Windows NT 6.1 core and has a lower demand for hardware, and the optimized user interface is easier to accept for users. In general, Windows 7 is a successful product that has removed the negative influences caused by Vista on Microsoft. Despite the great improvement on security, Windows 7 is not able to prevent viruses and hacker's invasion completely, so data loss often occurs in Windows 7 all the same. Although Windows 7 is equipped with system protecting function that is able to restore system to a certain time point, it can only recover limited files and fails to help us recover all lost files. It is of prime significance for rescuing crashed system but less helpful in
Windows 7 hard disk recovery. If users want to recover Windows 7 hard disk, they have to turn to data recovery professionals. This is very inconvenient and the highly charged frees are hard to afford for many ordinary users. Hence, recovering Windows 7 hard disk with Windows 7 hard
disk recovery software becomes the first choice. However, how to get excellent hard disk recovery software turns out to be another difficulty, so we'll recommend a piece of professional Windows 7 hard disk recovery software to all users.
Professional hard disk recovery software
Desiring professional hard disk recovery software, users may as well visit the professional hard
disk recovery web
http://www.hard-disk-recovery.net/ to download the suitable hard disk recovery software.

The software displayed above is Windows 7 disk recovery software
downloaded from the web and it has many advantages.
1. This Windows 7 hard disk recovery software supports data recovery from diverse file systems. We can
recover lost data not only from FAT12/16/32 and NTFS which are commonly used in Windows, but from HFS+ file system commonly seen in Mac.
2. This hard disk recovery software is in favor of various kinds of storage devices, including data recovery from hard disk, SSD, USB flash drive, memory cards and so on.
3. This
free hard disk recovery software is divided into several data recovery modules. Aiming at different data loss situations, we can employ different modules, which improves data recovery speed as well as success rate.
4. Boot edition is also provided, with which we can boot the hard disk recovery software from crashed operating system, so system problem will not affect our hard disk recovery tasks.
If data loss in Windows 7 hard disk is still a difficulty for you, we suggest you use this free hard disk recovery software. Please visit the web given above to get it.