Best hard disk recovery software for free hard disk recovery

3 Data Recovery Solutions for Mac OS X

Do you know how to recover Mac hard drive data? If not, you can read this post, and 3 solutions are displayed here.


Solution 1: Recover Data from Time Machine Backup

time machien

Time Machine, built-in backup feature of OS X, backs up all of your files to an external hard drive so that you can restore them later or see how they looked in the past. Detailed steps are here:
1: Click Time Machine in the Dock
2: Find the files to restore
3: Click Restore to restore the selected file, or Control-click the file for other options.
Note; click Use Time Machine to back up or restore your Mac to know more information.

In a word, although Time Machine can help us to recover lost data, we have to backup all needed data on it in advance. What if there is no Time Machine backup? In this situation, move onto the following method.

Solution 2: Turn to Professional Mac Data Recovery Companies

Here, if there is no Time Machine backup, you can try restoring to professional data recovery companies for help.
Note: although data recovery companies can help to recover data, it has two big disadvantages. File recovery fees are so high that common users cannot afford it; and they my leak customer’s privacy.

At this time, can we find a more reliable data recovery solution to get Mac data back without affecting the original data?

Want to know the best way?


Solution 3: Ask MiniTool Mac Data Recovery for Help

Here, if you want to recover data without damaging the original data, you can try MiniTool Mac Data Recovery. With this tool, you can easily and quickly recover data without needing the Time Machine backup. Want to know more information about this tool.

main interface


High security: it is a read-only tool, so users can recover data without damaging the original data.
Powerful functions: 4 different data recovery modules are listed here to masterly cope with data loss situations.
Easy-to-use: this tool not only offers wizard-based operation but also simple interface. Thus, even you have little knowledge about computer or this tool, you can easily recover Mac data with it.


3 solutions for Mac hard drive data recovery are listed here, and you can select a suitable one according to actual needs to recover lost data.


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